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"China Tourism Influence Research Demonstration Base". On January 27, the New Media and Big Data Alliance of the Media Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences awarded Yuntaishan UGGp "China Tourism Influence Research Demonstration Base". Date:2019-01-30 More
"The Top Ten Most Influent New Media Platforms in Jiaozuo City". In November, the Propaganda Department of Jiaozuo Municipal Party Committee awarded Yuntaishan UGGp "The Top Ten Most Influent New Media Platforms in Jiaozuo City". Date:2018-11-10 More
More than 800 articles were reported by more than 40 media including CCTV and Pe On October 8, the government launched a policy of "three days a year for any scenic spot tour" to benefit the people, which attracted wide attention from the media and all sectors of society. Date:2018-10-11 More
"the first batch of study tourism demonstration base in Henan Province" On September 3rd, Henan Provincial Tourism Bureau awarded Yuntaishan as "the first batch of study tourism demonstration base in Henan Province". Date:2018-09-06 More
Yuntaishan UGGp ranked 12th, becoming the only scenic spot in the top 20 in our On August 20, People's Daily Online's public opinion data center released the comprehensive influence ranking list of AAAAA level tourist attractions in the first half of 2018. Date:2018-08-23 More
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