Welcome to the official website of Yuntaishan UNESCO Global Geopark!

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Geosites & Landscapes

Geological History

        Yuntaishan UGGp has experienced a long and complex geological history. At the end of Archean (about 2.5 billion years ago), the embryo of platform was formed in around 1.8 billion years ago. During the Jixian period of the Mesoproterozoic, the littoral clastics were deposited and became the cap rocks of the platform. The Yunmengshan Formation of Jixian System is of an angular unconformity contact with the underlying Archean strata. During the Cambrian period (534-490 Ma ago), it was an epi-continental sea environment, dominated by carbonates with a huge thickness, with an unconformity contact with underlying Yunmengshan Formation. During the Middle Ordovician, it transitioned from an epi-continental sea environment dominated by carbonates and formed an unconformity contact with underlying Cambrian strata. In the Carboniferous period, it experienced a marine-terrestrial interaction environment and formed an unconformity contact with underlying Middle Ordovician. The Carboniferous period was an important time for the formation of coal mines, iron ore, and aluminum ore. Since the Mesozoic era, intense tectonic activities have been influenced by the subduction of the Pacific Plate towards the Eurasian Plate. The Indosinian-Early and Middle stages of Yunmengshan movement indicated orogenic movements. The East Asian rifting stage began in the Late Cretaceous, characterized by extension structures and differential subsidence and uplifting of fault blocks. The early development stage of rift occurred from the Late Early Cretaceous to Early Paleogene, with significant development during the Paleogene. The entire rift basin subsided in the Neogene, representing a diminishing stage of the rift. Tectonic activity during Quaternary succeeded that seen in Niogene. Therefore, Yuntaishan UGGp preserves geo-heritages as realistic records indicating Earth's history and structural evolution.


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