Welcome to the official website of Yuntaishan UNESCO Global Geopark!

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Geosites & Landscapes


      Yuntaishan UNESCO Global Geopark (UGGp) is located at southern part of Taihang Mountain, north of Jiaozuo City, with an area of 556 km2. It is a comprehensive geopark with scientific and aesthetic values. The landscapes are mainly based on geology and geomorphology due to the valley structure and hydrodynamic force, and partially based on the natural ecosystem and human landscapes. 

     Yuntaishan UGGp has five typical geotourism routes, which are Yuntaishan geotourism route, Qingtianhe geotourism route, Shennongshan geotourism route, Qinglongxia geotourism route and Fenglinxia geotourism route, respectively. Hongshixia Valley has the landscape of clear water and red cliff. The valley in Qingtianhe is featured as twists and turns with the clear water. The cliff walls in Shennongshan look like dragon's ridge in the cloud, which becomes a natural great wall. Qinglongxia is famous for its deep valleys and streams as well as the waterfalls. The valleys and peak forests in Fenglinxia compose together perfectly. All these landscapes formed splendid views with beautiful water and mountains in southern China styles.


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