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Hand-Pulled Noodles with Beef
Date:2021-04-20 21:02:39 Click:

Hand-Pulled Noodles with Beef

Hand-Pulled Noodles with Beef tranditionally should meet the cooking criteria as"one clear, two white, three red, four green and five yellow", that refers to beef soup is fresh and fragrant; radish slices are pure and white; chili oil is bright red; coriander and garlic seedlings are fresh and green; noodles are smooth and yellow. Noodles can be divided into wide, wide, thin, two thin, capillary, leek leaves, bridge wheat fern and other types according to the thickness. The noodles are made by hand on the spot. A bowl of noodles can be made in less than two minutes. Then the beef noodle soup and white radish slices are poured, and the red and red chili oil, green garlic sprouts and coriander are mixed. The food is amazing. Lanzhou beef Ramen technology is one of the best in China. The production of ramen has been popular in China for a long time. In the Qing Dynasty, Wang Wang Wang once wrote "Lanzhou beef noodle chant" and said: "Lanzhou Ramen is the best in the world, and its making method comes from Huaiqing mansion. The soup is like dew, the face is like gold, and the entrance is like a fairy. "It can be seen that Lanzhou Ramen making has a long reputation and is the best technique in the world. Lanzhou beef Ramen is a high-tech variety, especially majiaye beef ramen, which is very practical. Its methods and skills can only be expressed in words, you can only see 70% or 80%. The real Kung Fu methods and skills can only be taught by the master through words and deeds, and taught face to face. The disciples should learn and practice at the same time. The famous Majia's beef noodles are fragrant and delicious, just as Zhang Shu wrote in his poem in the Qing Dynasty: "after the rain, the white horse flies back.". Several degrees of Yellow River water, the road is poor. A thousand threads of noodles are fragrant, but only the master of the horse family. It's hard to have delicious food again. Looking back home is far away. The sun rises to read the Sutra, and the evening falls to the white tower. Burning incense and sighing, only looking forward to "beef noodles". 牛肉拉面


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