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Deep-fried Decapoda Scorpions
Date:2021-04-20 21:41:19 Click:

Deep-fried Decapoda Scorpions

The decapoda scorpions of Yuntaishan has a extra pair of claws compaired to scorpions in other places.  It has been used as a valuable medicinal food.  It can be used as medicine to cure convulsion, headache, rheumatism and so on. The effect of the decapoda scorpions is generally better than other insects. The decapoda scorpions of Yuntaishan are dark brown, with their tails cocking upward like a demonstration. After frying, their shells are golden and transparent, and the timid dare not lift their chopsticks. Eating them is good for health, and has the effect of curing rheumatism, relaxing tendons and promoting blood circulation.十足全虫


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