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Huaiqing yam
Date:2021-04-20 22:25:17 Click:

Huaiqing yam

Yam for the tuber family perennial plant yam dry root tuber. Huai yam is praised as "Huai ginseng", ranking the top in the country. Its characteristic is: the weight, the quality is greasy, the tendon is little, the taste is thick, the medicine effect is high, the cooking is not rotten. Pure texture, excellent processing, edible and medicinal, cylindrical after processing, yellow and white surface, smooth, hard quality, white cross section, silty, slightly sour gas, chewy hair sticky. The mountain tastes sweet and the nature is flat. It has the function of invigorating spleen and stopping diarrhea, tonifying lung and benefiting kidney. Mainly for spleen deficiency, diarrhea, chronic enteritis, lung deficiency, cough and asthma, chronic nephritis, diabetes, spermatorrhea, frequent urination and other diseases, as a tonic.怀山药


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