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Date:2021-02-04 17:04:26 Click:

Article Summary: Hongshi Gorge—Tanpu Gorge—Quanpu Gorge—Macaque Valley—Zhuyu Peak—Geopark Museum of National Youth Science Education Base

Route: Hongshi Gorge-Tanpu Gorge-Quanpu Gorge-Macaque Valley-Zhuyu Peak-Geopark Museum of National Youth Science Education Base 

Route characteristics: The Yuntaishan area is full of ancient geological relics and historical and cultural landscapes. You can deeply understand the knowledge in textbooks, personally touch the pulse of the ancient earth, understand the true process of crustal movement and evolution; re-walk Wang Wei’s road of homesickness, broaden his horizons, Increase knowledge, entertain education and play, and learn to travel. 


01. Hongshi Gorge 

"China's No. 1 Wonderful Gorge", Hongshi Gorge, also known as Wenpanyu, is a beautiful, secluded, majestic, and dangerous scenic spot. It is surrounded by springs, waterfalls, streams and ponds, and has always enjoyed the reputation of "Bonsai Canyon". The canyon is 68 meters deep, with a wide open space and a secluded view. The cliffs and rocks on both sides of the gorge are beautiful, like a huge bonsai carved by magical craftsmanship, and also like the concentration of famous mountains and rivers. Garden experts call it "Natural Landscape Gallery". The stratigraphic structure of Hongshi Valley, from top to bottom, is Ordovician limestone 400 million years ago, Cambrian limestone 470-510 million years ago, and Mesoproterozoic purple-red quartz sandstone from 10 to 1.4 billion years ago. In addition, in Bailongtan in Hongshi Valley, geologists also discovered zircons 3.4 billion years ago, which is the oldest rock ever found on earth. There are geological relics such as angular unconformity, corrugated stone, Danya broken wall, tortoise rock, angular unconformity and so on. After visiting the scenic spot, Dr. Ide, Director of the Department of Earth Sciences of UNESCO, lamented: “I have to admit that Yuntai Mountain is a unique and incomparable geopark. It gave me the impression of a piece of music, a song of Bedo. Fern's symphony is one of the most beautiful landscape symphony.




02. Tanpu Gorge

"China's first beautiful water" Tanbao Gorge, also known as Xiaozhaigou, is the main representative of Mt. Yuntaishan gorge. The scenery in the valley is pleasant, just like the south of the Yangtze River. "Three steps one spring, five steps one waterfall, ten steps one pool" is a true portrayal of the beautiful scenery of Tanpu Gorge. Various smart waterfalls and springs in the scenic area are set against each other, of different shapes and colors. Dozens of waterfalls are even more fascinating and fascinating. Here you can admire the waterfalls of lovers who whisper and whisper at the ears and temples; the water curtain cave with long flowing seasons and high bead curtains; the natural waterfall of Yazi; and the dragon and phoenix walls with auspicious dragons and phoenixes; the butterfly stone like a fairy; the stone inkstone A worn-out inkstone sink. Experts have verified that the Bulao Spring in Tanpuxia is a rare high-quality mineral water with summer rain and winter snow in the Taihang Mountains, leaking and flowing for more than 50 kilometers. "Xiuwu County Chronicles" recorded that Wang Lie, an easy man in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, was thirsty for drinking this spring and hungry for Huang Jing. He lived to 338 years old and still walked like flying. The landform feature of the "U"-shaped cliff wall of Tanpuxia is the result of the combined action of surface water and groundwater. Over the past 2.6 million years, due to the lateral erosion, undercutting, dissolution and gravitational collapse of surface water and groundwater, this kind of urn-shaped urn-shaped three-sided cliff has been formed. Tanpuxia Gorge is 2,000 meters long and takes about one and a half hours to visit.



03.Quanpu Gorge

Quanpu Gorge, also known as Laotangou. The mountains and waters are beautiful, the peaks are high and the waterfalls are rapid. There are many clear springs flowing out of the ditch walls and valley bottoms. Along the canyon, the multi-hole springs, whispering springs, secluded ponds, Yinlong waterfall and other scenic spots will bring tourists into a dreamlike landscape. Fairyland. The "Yuntai Waterfall", the highest waterfall in China with a single drop of 314 meters, is located at the end of Quanpu Gorge. It kisses the blue sky up and down the stone flats, flying down like a Milky Way, like an Optimus Jade Pillar, magnificent. This canyon was formed in the Cambrian period of 540-490 million years ago. Since 23 million years, it has undergone long-term water erosion, transportation, and gravitational collapse, causing the ancient planation plane at an altitude of 800-1200 meters to be severely undercut, forming a length of 3000.Meters, 500 meters deep canyon. There are some geological relics such as oolitic limestone, pinnate cross bedding, and collapsed rock blocks. Quanpu Gorge is 3000 meters long, and the tour takes about two and a half hours.

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04.Macaque Valley

Yuntaishan was approved by the State Council as a national macaque nature reserve in August 1998. There are a large number of wild macaque communities in the scenic spot, and there are wonderful macaque performances in the macaque valley. Taihang macaques are national level two protected animals. They are clever and good at rock climbing. They often appear in the mountains, rivers and jungles. They are naughty and active, sometimes jumping for joy and sometimes frolicking with each other. Some courageous monkey groups often play with tourists.


05.Zhuyu Peak

Zhuyu Peak is the highest peak of Mt. Yuntaishan. It has dense vegetation and towering ancient trees. The forest coverage rate is as high as 93%. There are thousands of years of rare plants such as yew, five-cornered maple and Taihang flowers. The literati and monks of the past dynasties practiced here, leaving behind a large number of ruins, cliffs, inscriptions, poems, etc. Sun Simiao, the king of medicine in the Tang Dynasty, once collected medicine and refining alchemy here, and left the medicine king cave and other relics.The top of Zhuyu Peak is the Taoist building Xuandi Palace, which enshrines Emperor Zhenwu, and it is believed that Emperor Wu became immortal in Yuntai Mountain. The trestle path climbed thousands of steps up to the top of Zhuyu Peak, but seeing the mountains and the surging clouds, people suddenly breathed in the heroic spirit of "being the top of the mountain and seeing the small mountains". Wang Wei, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, once climbed this peak and wrote the ancient famous saying, "Being a stranger alone in a foreign land, thinking about relatives every festive season. Knowing that the brothers climbed high places, there is only one person who planted cornel." Zhuyu Peak is 1297.6 meters above sea level, and the tour time is about 2 hours. It is not easy to climb to the top, but the beautiful scenery is unlimited.




06.Geopark Museum 

The museum is divided into three floors, with a total construction area of 3328㎡. Its shape evolved from the Chinese character "mountain" and crustal movement deformation. The interior is divided into meeting Yuntaishan, getting acquainted with Yuntaishan, walking into Yuntaishan, exploring Yuntaishan, and glorious. There are 156 exhibition boards and 328 specimens in 11 exhibition halls with the five themes of Yuntaishan, making full use of the diversified and multi-form high-tech comprehensive display of Yuntaishan Global Geopark, such as pictures, text, models, physical objects, film and television, virtual reality, and tourist interaction. The evolution of geomorphology and geological characteristics of the country, popularize the knowledge of geological heritage protection and geological science. Here, you can travel through time and space to explore the world, and you can travel through Taihang Mountain to reveal the geological evolution of Yuntaishan.





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