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Shennong cultural square
Date:2021-04-23 23:46:24 Click:

Sitting in the middle of the square is the statue of Emperor Shennong, which is made of pure copper and has height of 9.9m and weight of 29 tons. Emperor Yan, Shennong has double angles on the head and holds the grain, showing indomitable spirit of King. The square is composed of three layers, which represent heaven, earth and human. There are 4 trails to the main altar, representing four seasons in a year. The altar is surrounded by 12 reliefs of Emperor Yan’s biography, meaning there are 12 months in one year. At the bottom of altar, the road has 24 circles, representing 24 solar terms. Each circle is paved by 365 pieces of bluestones, representing 365 days in one year. The eight spirit beasts surrounding the altar are considered as having great contributions for Shennong emperor, and they are tsing lung, god horse, rosefinch, wild tiger, god bird, white tiger, god cattle and tortoise, respectively.

Shennong cultural square


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