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Danxia landform
Date:2024-04-07 00:54:09 Click:






Danxia landform development began in the late Tertiary Himalayan orogeny, is a class of landform type named in the 1930s, refers to the production of horizontal or gentle laminar iron-calcium mixed uneven cementation of red clastic rocks (mainly conglomerate and sandstone), by vertical or high angle joints cut, and in the differential weathering, gravity collapse, water dissolution, wind erosion and other comprehensive effect of the formation of the castle with steep cliffs Danxia landforms are mainly located in China. Danxia landforms are mainly distributed in China, the western United States, Central Europe and Australia, etc., with China being the most widely distributed, and Shaoguan Danxia Mountain in Guangdong (the source of the name) is a typical geological landform of Danxia landforms in China.


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