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Ecological environment
Date:2021-02-04 01:36:45 Click:

Ecological environment, short for "environment composed of ecological relations", is the sum of all natural (including second nature formed by artificial intervention) forces (material and energy) or effects that are closely related to human beings and affect human life and production activities.

Ecological environment is the general term for the quantity and quality of water resources, land resources, biological resources and climate resources that affect human survival and development, and is a complex ecosystem that is related to sustainable social and economic development. Eco-environmental problems refer to the various negative feedback effects that are harmful to human survival caused by the destruction and pollution of the natural environment in the process of using and transforming nature for its own survival and development.

Ecology refers to the interconnections and interactions among organisms (five major groups: prokaryotes, protists, animals, fungi, and plants) and between organisms and their surroundings. The contemporary concept of environment refers to the geographical environment in general, which is the overall natural phenomenon surrounding human beings and can be divided into natural environment, economic environment and socio-cultural environment. Contemporary environmental science is a comprehensive science that studies the environment and its interrelationship with human beings. Although ecology and environment are two relatively independent concepts, they are closely related, "intertwined" and intertwined, thus the new concept of "ecological environment" has emerged. It is the sum of various natural factors and conditions for the survival and reproduction of living things, and is a large system composed of various "elements" of ecosystems and environmental systems.

Ecological environment and natural environment are so similar in meaning that they are sometimes used together, but strictly speaking, ecological environment is not the same as natural environment. The natural environment has a broader scope, and the total of all natural factors can be described as the natural environment, but only the system as a whole with certain ecological relationships can be called the ecological environment. A whole consisting of only abiotic factors can be called a natural environment, but not an ecological environment.



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