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Basic Principles
Date:2021-02-04 01:38:34 Click:

The basic principle of ecological environmental protection in China: insist on ecological environmental protection and ecological environment construction at the same time. While increasing the construction of ecological environment, it is necessary to adhere to the priority of protection, prevention, prevention and control, and completely reverse the passive situation of destruction while building in some areas. Adhere to the prevention and control of pollution and ecological protection of the environment at the same time. Regional and watershed environmental pollution and ecological environmental damage should be fully considered the mutual impact and role, adhere to the unified planning and implementation of pollution prevention and ecological environmental protection, urban and rural pollution prevention and ecological environmental protection organic combination, and strive to achieve the integration of urban and rural environmental protection.

Adhere to the overall balance, comprehensive decision-making, reasonable development. Correctly handle the relationship between resource development and environmental protection, adhere to the development in the protection, in the development of protection. Economic development must follow the laws of nature, carrying capacity, and never allow the sacrifice of the ecological environment for immediate and local economic benefits.

Adhere to the system of who develops and who protects, who destroys and who restores, and who uses and who pays. To clarify the rights, responsibilities and benefits of ecological environmental protection, the full use of legal, economic, administrative and technical means to protect the ecological environment.



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