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Tanpuxia Science Tour Route
Date:2021-02-04 07:19:03 Click:

Tanpuxia Science Tour Route

The geological attractions, natural attractions and human attractions distributed on this route mainly include geological museum, scenic monument, shale, wave scar, lover waterfall, golden dragon lying on the wave, yazi waterfall, Qinglian pond, washing pond, Tang king testing sword stone, butterfly stone, trilobite fossil, dragon and phoenix wall, urn valley and so on.

1Water Paradise

The stratum exposed in the scenic area of Tan Falls Gorge is mainly Cambrian - Ordovician. The spring water gushes out many hanging springs along the upper part of the shale (water barrier), which converge into the ditch and form waterfalls downstream. Here is the world of waterfalls, water paradise, there are water curtain waterfall, yazi waterfall, stacked waterfall, lover waterfall, line waterfall ......; there are also spring Hua, dragon and phoenix wall, around the valley, urn valley and other landscapes; is an excellent place to study carbonate rock areas of retrograde erosion and water chemistry geological role. After enjoying this picturesque water body landscape, can you still identify this is the north? Or is it Jiangnan?

2Ancient Sea Charm

Between 540-440 million years ago, with the warming of the paleoclimate and rising sea levels, the Mt. Pantai area became a typical land surface sea. This is a type of ancient ocean that has now disappeared. The warm seawater was shallow and turbulent, favoring biological growth and carbonate deposition. Geologists have found that the sea level of the ancient ocean had a frequent periodic rise and fall, with a maximum rise and fall of about 60 meters each time, roughly the same thickness as the rocky terrace we see now. The frequent rise and fall then formed the layers of rock we see today, leaving a lot of geological information.

3"Y" waterfall

In the waterfall gorge of Bead Curtain Pool, there is a water pavilion space with an area of nearly 1,000 square meters, which is composed of shale and thick laminated carbonate rock interlayer. The waterfall that falls down the steep canyon paints a "Y" on the stone wall, which is more than 20 meters high. Visitors to this place have a sense of enlightenment and can rest on the rock pavilion to see the beauty of the petroglyphs, enjoy the quietness of the pool and listen to the sound of the waterfall.

4Underwater World

At the bottom of Longfeng Urn is a combination of purple-red shale and carbonate rock with a thickness of more than 150 meters, and within the shale, a large number of trilobite fossils can be seen. The trilobite was one of the largest and most ferocious creatures in the ocean at that time, like the dinosaurs in the Mesozoic era and humans today, and became the master of the ocean at that time. This animal had the habit of living in groups, and this habit makes the fossils in the Cambrian strata exposed on the surface today have the characteristics of groups and bands. Therefore, trilobite fossils are the most abundant and easy to find in the strata of this period. Moreover, once one is found, many can be found. Fossils are an important geological heritage and one of the priorities of our geopark protection. You can see and find them, but you are not allowed to bring them privately.


At the bottom of Longfeng Urn, there is a plateau, which is made of collapsed rock pile by calcium-hua cementation, and he is actually a terrace. Since it is well supplied with water, the terrain is dangerous, easy to defend and difficult to attack, it is said to be the cantonment place of King Li Shimin of Tang Dynasty, hence the name.

6The General's Table

At the bottom of Longfeng Urn, there are a large number of collapsed rock blocks of different sizes, one of which is about 3m square and 2m high, located below the Tang Walled City. It is said that King Li Shimin of Tang had to point out his generals on this huge rock before each expedition, hence the name. There is also a legend that this boulder is the incarnation of King Li Shimin, the collapsed rock below, is Li Shimin's generals. These are all cultural connotations given to them by people combined with the specific reality of the region.



Next:Fenglinxia - Qinglongxia Science Tour Route

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