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Scenic Spots Announcement

Scenic Spots Announcement

Flowers are in full bloom, a grand event! The 3rd China Yuntaishan Hanfu Flower
Date:2021-03-06 16:43:49 Click:

On March 6, the 2021 3rd China Yuntaishan Hanfu Flower Festival was grandly opened in Yuntaishan Scenic Area. Zhu Jianwei, Deputy Director of Henan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, Qian Feng, Director of the Large Project Office, Guo Peng, Member of the Standing Committee of Jiaozuo Municipal Committee and Secretary of Xiuwu County Party Committee, Wang Fuju, Deputy Mayor of Jiaozuo Municipal People’s Government, and Mi Jiwen, Party Secretary of Jiaozuo Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism , Deputy Commissioner Li Jianyang, Deputy Mayor of Xiuwu County People’s Government Wang Weiping, Director of Yuntai Mountain Scenic Area Administration Ma Chunming, Party Secretary Guo Xiaoli and other provincial, municipal and county leaders, as well as Han etiquette event planner, 2021 3rd China Yuntaishan Hanfu Flower Dynasty The chief director of the festival Wang Hui and other representatives of the partners, People's Daily Online, China News Service, Xinhua Net, China Tourism News, China Culture News, Henan Daily, Dahe News, Jiaozuo Daily, Phoenix Net, Sohu.com, Tencent, Baidu, NetEase, Dahe Nearly a hundred news media such as the Internet, Henan TV Station, and Dongfang Jinbao, together with fans of traditional culture on the spot, participated in the grand event to enjoy the spring scenery of Yuntaishan.

All flowers are in full bloom, spring is coming back. The 3rd China Yuntaishan Hanfu Flower Frestival” is held. The Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove and twelve Flower Gods come to make a performance to you. We also have performance with honor guard matrix, wedding matrix and other matrix. Friends and visitors from all over the world are welcome to come to Yuntaishan.


Previous:Official announcement! Fang Wenshan will come! The 3rd China Yuntaishan Hanfu Fl

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