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On CCTV 3 times in 2 days! Yuntaishan welcomes guests safely and orderly! Clouds
Date:2021-10-03 11:45:01 Click:

At 9 am on October 3, CCTV-13 "News Room" focused on Yuntaishan, 4 minutes live broadcast of the grand occasion of National Day holiday. At 19:13 of October 2, CCTV-1 "News Broadcast" "Happy Holidays, Praise New Life", reported on Yuntaishan's real-name appointments and other holiday-related measures. At 17:11 on October 2, CCTV-13 "News Room" reported Yuntaishan.

Tick off Yuntaishan in National Day holidays! The waterfalls and cloud-sea are spectacular! The 314-meter Yuntai Sky waterfall is magnificent. Tour the wonders of the Red Rock Gorge in the gorge, and a group of waterfalls compete for the flow. Take the ropeway to view the magnificent cloud-sea, just like a fairyland. National style performing arts welcome the National Day, romantic night tour with light show. Yuntaishan, Make an appointment!On CCTV 3 times in 2 days! Yuntaishan welcomes guests safely and orderly! Clouds and waterfalls attract tourists.


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