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A big wave of sea of clouds is coming soon! Yuntaishan is full of fairy spirit!
Date:2021-06-15 12:04:52 Click:

After raining, the scenery of the mountains is new. Walking along the path in Yuntaishan, views with agility can be seen everywhere: the magnificence of the mountains, the lingering rain, and the churning clouds. Yuntaishan ushered in the prosperous beauty, the red rock wall was wet by rain, the depth is very shallow, especially dazzling, the green mountains are distant, more poetic, raindrops, green leaves, green mountains, clear water, a scene of empty mountains after the new rain.

It rained all night in the mountains, and white clouds appears on the ridge. The most common thing after the rain is the wonder of the sea of clouds. Snow-white clouds come from all sides, circling and stacking, and light yarn lingers. The sea of clouds is unpredictable, the peaks are looming and blurred like a fairyland, and a large wave of clouds is coming!A big wave of sea of clouds is coming soon! Yuntaishan is full of fairy spirit!


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