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Yuntaishan Music Festival was in full swing!
Date:2021-05-04 14:59:36 Click:

Yesterday, the Yuntaishan Music Festival reached to the full swing, and the sound wave hit the audience. Did you feel the enthusiasm of the Yuntaishan Music Festival? The ultimate enjoyment of music, stage, lighting, sight and hearing, Yuntaishan Music Festival bursts back!

Xie Tianxiao, Hedgehog, GALA, Mosaic, ignite passion with music. "Sunflower", "A Man", "The Train Goes Beyond the Clouds, Dreams Rest in the Nine Sky", "Dream Pursuing My Heart", "Neon Sweetheart", familiar melody, the same love, tens of thousands of people sang together, and tears fulfilled eyes!Yuntaishan Music Festival was in full swing!Yuntaishan Music Festival was in full swing!Yuntaishan Music Festival was in full swing!


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