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Debut! Flying dance! Yuntaishan National Style Performing Arts promotes new show
Date:2021-10-12 15:04:42 Click:

Yuntaishan National Style Performing Arts promotes new shows! "Dunhuang Feitian" dances gracefully, stunning blooming canyons, “Beauty Walk in landscapes”, “Walks of Seven Sages”, “young Wang Weisi”, and immersive national style performances, like stepping into a historical picture.

Flying in the Red Gorge, "Neon clothes drag the wide band, floating and ascending to the sky", the view is like a picture, just like flying, dancing in the sky, walking in the sky, as if walking in the painting, every move and every style has its own fairy spirit.

 Debut! Flying dance! Yuntaishan National Style Performing Arts promotes new shows.


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