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We can win every battle! Yuntaishan launches activities of "large emergency
Date:2021-08-10 15:19:30 Click:

In order to further improve the flood prevention and disaster prevention and epidemic prevention and control, and to promote the resumption of work and production of tourist attractions after the flood and epidemic with high quality, on August 7, the Henan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism organized the province’s A-level tourist attractions at the launch of the video conference for the " large emergency repair, large investigation, large training and large drill " activity. Yuntaishan Scenic Area made a statement. After the meeting, Yuntaishan quickly held a mobilization meeting for scenic spot activities to once again make comprehensive arrangements for the current post-disaster reconstruction and epidemic prevention and control work.

Facing the homeland after the floods, the people of Yuntaishan united to eliminate dangers, rush repairs, dredging, and killing, and fully spread the self-rescue work after the disaster. The situation of doing a lot of work quickly took shape quickly!We can win every battle! Yuntaishan launches activities of large emergency repair, large investigation, large training and large drill!


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