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Free tickets for children, half price discount! Cute pet parade! Yuntaishan has
Date:2021-05-30 15:23:25 Click:

"Children's Day" is not only a festival for children, but also a carnival for big friends. Water fights, swings, bamboo rafts, and cute pet parades will make you the most beautiful boy on Children's Day! Come to Yuntaishan together with big hands and small hands to release your innocence.

There are also exclusive benefits for children! Don't allow you to not know yet!

Children under 1.4 meters or 6 years old (including 6 years old) are free of travel and bus tickets!

Children over 1.4 meters or 6 years old (excluding 6 years old) -18 years old (including 18 years old) minors with ID card or student ID, purchase ticket of 60 yuan per person, which can enjoy the preferential policy of half price of tickets.

Free tickets for children, half price discount! Cute pet parade! Yuntaishan has fun with you!


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