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Strength certification! Yuntaishan won three awards!
Date:2024-01-25 09:37:01 Click:

At the beginning of the New Year, a number of honors fell on Yuntaishan. On January 24, 2023 Henan Cultural Industry Ceremony was successfully held. At the meeting, the annual list of "Poetry and Distance" Henan cultural tourism industry was released. Yuntaishan won three awards in a row. Annual cultural brand IP - Yuntaishan Music Festival. Henan cultural industry enabling annual excellent case - Yuntaishan Hanfu Flower Festival. Annual culture + brand marketing event - Yuntaishan in Wang Wei's poem.

Strength certification! Yuntaishan won three awards!

Strength certification! Yuntaishan won three awards!

Strength certification! Yuntaishan won three awards!


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