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2023 The first Beijing thousand people special train into Yuntaishan!
Date:2023-04-12 10:57:15 Click:

The popular tourism market features special trains to boost spring travel

2023 The first Beijing thousand people special train into Yuntaishan

Spring scenery and geological wonders attract tourists from all over the world

Yuntaishan special train tour, research tour products are favored

Beijing, Northeast, Guangzhou, Inner Mongolia, etc

Many special trains and charter flights will follow!

Walk home Henan, meet Jiaozuo landscape, taste the joy of nature

2023 The first Beijing thousand people special train into Yuntaishan!

Yuntaishan spring tourism market burst into vitality

2023 First special train! Thousands of Beijing tourists on spring outing

They sang, danced and laughed.

Ten thousand research group series team into Yuntai landscape class!

Take the "train to Spring" to "poetry and distance"

Experience Yuntaishan one-stop service, unique natural scenery

2023 The first Beijing thousand people special train into Yuntaishan!


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