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In early winter, the sea of clouds enveloping Shennongshan creates a fairyland y
Date:2022-12-01 15:19:25 Click:

The sea of clouds in early winter is a magnificent spectacle at Shennongshan.

In these recent days at Shennongshan,

The overlapping clouds and mist are enchanting,

When met with the warm sunshine of early winter,

The majestic scenery is like a painting come to life.

In early winter, the sea of clouds enveloping Shennongshan creates a fairyland y

Looking forward to the first snow in the depths of winter 2022

The sea of clouds and snow scenery of Shennongshan is even more breathtaking

Clouds and mist clung to the mountains

Like Penglai fairyland, immortals floating

In early winter, the sea of clouds enveloping Shennongshan creates a fairyland y


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