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Geopark Activities

The "National Science Popularization Day" series of activities were un
Date:2022-09-15 15:47:33 Click:

Initiated by the China Association for Science and Technology, the National Science Popularization Day is held on the third weekend of September every year in order to commemorate the promulgation and implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Science and Technology Popularization. The theme of this year's National Science Popularization Day is "Welcome the 20th, Science Popularization to the future". From September 15 to 21, a variety of science popularization activities were launched across the country, and Yuntaishan UGGPs combined online and offline interaction to launch colorful science popularization activities.

In order to carry forward the scientific spirit, enhance the vitality of scientific and technological innovation, disseminate scientific knowledge of natural resources, promote scientific and technological innovation achievements, strengthen the publicity and interaction of science popularization in sister parks, and display the achievements of science popularization and publicity in global geoparks,Yuntaishan and Yandangshan, Lushan Mountain, Zhangjiajie, Dunhuang and other global geoparks jointly launched the 2022 National Science Popularization Day and "Friendly Sister Geoparks Linkage" activity.

The National Science Popularization Day series of activities were unThe National Science Popularization Day series of activities were un


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