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Red! White! Blue! Amazing Qingtianhe!
Date:2022-07-19 16:14:31 Click:

In the flourishing summer, everything grows,

In recent days, the continuous misty rain,

Creates a spectacular "theater" in the Qingtianhe,

Welcoming a wave of breathtaking scenery.

The classic "red, white, and blue" makes Qingtianhe stunning,

The morning sun is red,

Rising above the green mountains,

Jinjialing brings forth the scorching morning sun,

With clouds and rosy clouds, shining brightly,

Reflecting the resplendent sunrise,

The colorful clouds are like strands of golden silk, floating in the sky,

The gentle light illuminates the mountains,

Dyeing the day with a pink haze.

Red! White! Blue! Amazing Qingtianhe!

The white clouds and mist,

Under the influence of diurnal temperature variations and abundant water vapor,

Create the unique spectacle of the sea of clouds in Qingtianhe.

Climbing to the mountaintop to witness the roiling sea of clouds is particularly spectacular.

Red! White! Blue! Amazing Qingtianhe!

The mist crept up the hillside

So you can't see the clouds are moving

Or the mountain scenery is moving, everything is beautiful to make people enchanted.

Red! White! Blue! Amazing Qingtianhe!

On a clear blue sky day,

If you happen to stroll into Jinjialing after the rain,

The azure sky and refreshing air,

Will invigorate your soul.

As you walk, you'll feel like you're in a painting.

At this moment, Qingtianhe,

With just a snap, no need for filters,

Is a breathtaking sight.

Red with passion,

White with spirituality,

Blue with clarity,

Qingtianhe's ubiquitous beauty,

Have you experienced it today?


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Next:Yuntaishan and other 20 geoparks sent summer gifts to teachers and students all

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