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The first batch of national science popularization education base, Yuntaishan on
Date:2022-02-12 09:35:12 Click:

A class walk on the wonders of the canyon

Feel the changes of natural geology and landform up close

Experience the "landscape Class" outside the classroom.

The first batch of national science popularization education base, Yuntaishan on

The first batch of national science popularization education base, Yuntaishan on

The unique charm of technology and nature

Spring encounters the flower morning, feeling the ancient charm of China.

Summer encounters flying waterfalls, experiencing the mysteries of mountains and rivers.

Autumn seeks red leaves, exploring the changes of nature.

Winter treads on white snow, enjoying the fun of ice and snow.


Previous:Spring flowers, singing and dancing, Shennongshan is now filled with peach bloss

Next:Ten thousand acres of red leaves, red Qingtianhe!

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