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This summer, I want to meet you in Fenglinxia
Date:2020-08-01 10:32:59 Click:

Fenglinxia summer is just right, no sweating under scorching sun, no bustling traffic. Overlooking the misty emerald lake, its waters are clear and inviting, surrounded by lush green forests along the shores. The green hills and trees reflected in the water create an illusion where it's hard to discern whether the mountains are in the water or the water is among the mountains."

This summer, I want to meet you in Fenglinxia

Walking along the mountain path, the dense foliage blocks out the sunlight. Rays of sunshine filter through the leaves, creating a brilliant dappled effect, casting radiant light onto the path, as if setting a stage for insects and butterflies. A gentle breeze blows across the lake, softly caressing your cheeks. In the depths of the forest, you hear the occasional bird call, accompanying the picturesque view by the lake with their melodious songs. After a sudden downpour, a mist covers the entire lake, shrouding it in a hazy fog, creating an otherworldly atmosphere, resembling a paradise on earth. Rowing across the lake, the boat parts the emerald waters, creating ripples that spread across the surface. The natural scenery is always so gentle and beautiful, capable of soothing the unrest within. During this peak summer, while exploring the mountains and waters of Fenglinxia, all worries are temporarily forgotten, allowing you to fully embrace the warmth of nature, breathing in harmony with the mountains and forests.

This summer, I want to meet you in Fenglinxia


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