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Come to Fenglinxia, I offer "oxygen" to you
Date:2020-05-02 10:40:12 Click:

Spring is really a beautiful season, flowers in full bloom, all kinds of insects and birds chirping happily, trees covered with green costumes. After a few spring rains, green, Fenglinxia full of negative oxygen ions, this natural oxygen bar waiting for you to "oxygen". Yuntai Tianchi Fenglinxia.

Come to Fenglinxia, I offer oxygen to you

Fenglinxia is a natural botanical garden, the forest coverage rate of the scenic area reaches 95%, the negative oxygen ion content reaches 16,800 /cm³, nearly 500 times higher than the urban area, and the PM2.5 index is 18, one-tenth of the urban PM2.5 index, which is truly a "natural oxygen bar". Come to Fenglinxia, please shout at the sky, and please open a "oxygen" journey towards the mountains and forests to breathe!

Come to Fenglinxia, I offer oxygen to you


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