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Yuntaishan set off the romance of ten miles of peach blossoms
Date:2020-03-13 10:47:43 Click:

       At the exit of the Hongshixia in Yuntaishan, there is a magical corridor, covered with purple wisteria flowers, resembling the fairy bells in the celestial realm. Along the trail, there are also ultrasonic misting devices set up, enveloping the surroundings with a thin mist, exuding an ethereal and dreamy atmosphere. In March, even the wind becomes gentle, making it the perfect time to don elegant attire and dance gracefully here, like a fairy descended to earth.

Yuntaishan set off the romance of ten miles of peach blossoms

In the bright spring of March, with the grass growing and the warblers flying, the valleys of Yuntaishan are always filled with endless peach blossoms. The peaches are delicate and radiant. As a gust of spring breeze passes by, petals drift in the wind, filling the sky with falling flowers, resembling the picturesque scenes of the protagonists' first encounter in novels.

In the bright spring of March, with the grass growing and the warblers flying, the valleys of Yuntaishan are always filled with endless peach blossoms. The peaches are delicate and radiant. As a gust of spring breeze passes by, petals drift in the wind, filling the sky with falling flowers, resembling the picturesque scenes of the protagonists' first encounter in novels.


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