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Thousands of drones, thousands of people into Yuntaishan! "Meet Yuntai"
Date:2023-09-20 21:18:29 Click:

In the golden September, intoxicated by Yuntaishan, admiring the clouds and sea in the spectacular canyon, and viewing the flying waterfalls. Thousands of drones soar into the sky, creating a stunning and breathtaking scene. Thousands of photographers and enthusiasts step into Yuntaishan. Nationwide call! A hundred thousand cash prize! The "Meet at Yuntai" National Aerial Photography Contest officially begins!

Thousands of drones, thousands of people into Yuntaishan! Meet Yuntai

At 10 am on September 20, the launch ceremony of the "Meet Yuntai" national Aerial Photography Contest sponsored by China Photo News, Henan Province Photographers Association, Jiaozuo City Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau, Xiuwu County People's Government, and undertaken by Jiaozuo City Photographers Association and Yuntaishan Scenic Area Administration was held in Yuntaishan. Cheng Baocheng, Deputy Mayor of Jiaozuo Municipal People's Government; Shi Mingyou, Party Secretary and Director of Jiaozuo Municipal Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau; Zhang Hongwei, Party Secretary of Xiuwu County; Li Huachen, Deputy Secretary of County Party Committee and county Governor; Guo Xiaoli, Party Secretary and Director of Yuntaishan Scenic Area Administration; Li Ningning, Standing Committee Member of Xiuwu County Party Committee, Minister of Publicity and Deputy County Governor; and Wu Ping, Director of Activities Department of China Photo News.Wei Yafei, director of China Photographers Association and Secretary General of Henan Provincial Photographers Association, Gao Junhai, Vice chairman of Henan Provincial Photographers Association and Chairman of Luoyang Photographers Association, Wang Lin, Vice chairman of Shanxi Provincial Photographers Association and Chairman of Jincheng Photographers Association and other guests attended the event.Experience the charm of Taihang landscape and Yuntai landscape with photographers, media and creative talents from all over the country!

Thousands of drones, thousands of people into Yuntaishan! Meet Yuntai

As one of the theme activities of the 11th China Jiaozuo International Taijiquan Competition and 2023 Yuntaishan Tourism Festival, the aerial photography Competition is another IP activity created by Yuntaishan to keep up with the pace of cultural tourism cultural and creative integration, and continue to focus on the brand of "landscape rich City Wenwu Happy place", following the "Mountain of music", "Mountain of poetry" and "Mountain of culture".The activity takes aerial photography as the carrier, takes "Meet Yuntai" as the theme, spans the four seasons scenery, covers the golden autumn red leaves, ice and snow Festival, Hanfu Flower Festival and other product activities, makes full use of the unique image language of UAV and time-travel machine visual shock, and shows the unique charm of Jiaozuo landscape and Yuntai scenery from the first perspective of immersion!


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