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Brand creation: I am a geological wonder, I speak for Yuntaishan
Date:2017-02-20 10:59:04 Click:

My name is Hongshixia, Yuntaishan is the most typical tourist attraction, I speak for Yuntaishan.

Brand creation: I am a geological wonder, I speak for Yuntaishan

My name is Hongshixia, which is the first natural landscape group to enter Yuntaishan. Walking all the way from the gate of Yuntaishan, there are all gray and black limestone, lack of vegetation, broken mountains and dry, desolate and pebble piled rivers. Once you reach the Red Cliff at the entrance of Hongshi Canyon, you will already have an alternative style of red rock and green trees. The sky and the rumbling sound of the water came into view, which was in stark contrast to the desolation outside the valley and gave people a strong shock.

Brand creation: I am a geological wonder, I speak for Yuntaishan

Hongshixia (Wenpanyu) within the gorge moss green grass, four seasons like spring. The concave and convex stones on the cliff have clear texture and wonderful combination, like relief modeling; Scattered in the valley floor of the collapse of the boulders in different forms, some like the golden turtle floating, some like the stone island courtyard; The moss on the cliff below the waterfall is like a green velvet blanket. Wang Huairang, a famous poet in Henan Province, praised a poem and said: "Wanhu pearls fall into Bitan, and the four seasons bathe in a warm plate. The white dragon didn't know where to go, and the lady in red was smiling." Visiting the gorge has a sense of isolation and transcendence, and this small and exquisite combination of beauty is known as the "bonsai-style" spirit in the canyon, which is really rare.

The total length of Hongshixia is only 1.5km, which belongs to the miniature gorge in the Yuntaishan Gorge group. The reason why he can take the lead in the forest gorge of Yuntaishan naturally has his unique advantages. It is mainly manifested in the following aspects: first, the contrast between the valley and the outside is great, giving people a strong shock; Second, the barrier gullies and gullies are beaded in distribution, and the surrounding gullies of the potholes reflect each other; Third, the red rock and clear water complement each other, and the waterfalls and springs are varied; Fourth, ripple bedding standard typical, moss flower four seasons. These cannot be seen in other canyons of Taihangshan, and it is also very rare in the scenic spots of the country.


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