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Written on the 10th anniversary of the cooperation between Yuntaishan in China a
Date:2017-06-19 11:07:41 Click:

On the morning of May 23, local time in the United States, Jin Guibin, Secretary of the Party Committee of Yuntaishan Scenic Area Administration, and Brian Drapeaux, deputy director of Grand Canyon National Park in the United States, successfully renewed the sister park cooperation agreement in the Grand Canyon National Park in Colorado, confirming the next "five-year cooperation" between the two sides.Jiaozuo Municipal Committee Standing Committee, Executive Vice Mayor Yang Qingjiu and other representatives witnessed the signing.

Grand Canyon National Park is located in the Colorado Plateau in northwestern Arizona, is a world-famous World Natural Heritage site, and Yuntaishan UGGp has similar resources and ecosystems. In 2007, Yuntaishan and the Grand Canyon National Park of Colorado in the United States officially concluded as a sister park, which opened the prelude of Jiaozuo tourism to build an international brand and explore the international tourism market. Since then, the two sides have continued to communicate and interact, sending employees to each other's parks for many times to learn, and strengthening the protective development of geological resources and the tourism promotion of natural heritage.In November 2012, the Jiao Zuo delegation went to the Grand Canyon National Park in the United States to renew the cooperation agreement between Yuntaishan and the sister parks of the Grand Canyon National Park in the United States.Over the past ten years, the two sides have continuously conducted friendly cooperation in the protection of national park resources, environmental education and interpretation, geological and geomorphological research and other aspects, and achieved good results, becoming a model of cooperation between sister parks between China and the United States.

Written on the 10th anniversary of the cooperation between Yuntaishan in China and Grand Canyon sister parks in the United States

Written on the 10th anniversary of the cooperation between Yuntaishan in China and Grand Canyon sister parks in the United States


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