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Geopark Activities

Yuntaishan Global Geopark Museum launched a series of science popularization act
Date:2017-06-16 11:08:59 Click:

Recently, Yuntaishan Global Geopark Museum and Yuntaishan Town Central School jointly carried out a series of science popularization activities of rocks and minerals, in the form of museum science popularization into the campus and primary school students' classroom into the museum, and carried out a unique science popularization classroom activity for more than 60 primary school students.

On campus, the museum staff distributed popular science books to the students, explaining the types, causes and transformations of rocks in a simple way, so that the students mastered some popular science knowledge of rocks and minerals; In the museum, the students further stimulated their interest in geological knowledge by comparing the science popularization knowledge they just learned with the specimens around them, and established the awareness of protecting geological relics. While enjoying the magic of nature, they understood the geological features of their hometown and cultivated the emotion of loving their hometown. Yuntaishan UGGp Museum will cooperate with more schools, continue to carry out colorful, edutainment science education activities, continue to go into the campus to publicize geology science knowledge, continue to invite primary and secondary school students to enter the museum to experience and feel the charm of science.

Yuntaishan Global Geopark Museum launched a series of science popularization activities on rocks and minerals

Yuntaishan Global Geopark Museum launched a series of science popularization activities on rocks and minerals


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