Welcome to the official website of Yuntaishan UNESCO Global Geopark!

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410,000 visitors in 7 days!
Date:2018-10-07 16:00:58 Click:

In seven days, 418,600 tourists were received, a record high; 2 consecutive days 4 times on CCTV, more than 3600 media information, the cumulative exposure of more than 10 million; 3,500 people took part; More than 500 good people and good things; Not a single safety incident or major complaint... In the reception peak of the hot market and smooth operation, Yuntaishan has another wonderful and remarkable "Eleven" golden Week, and successfully achieved the goal of "safe, orderly, high-quality, efficient and civilized" holiday tourism work, once again showing the charm and style of a well-known tourist destination, and achieved a double harvest of the market and reputation.

People's Daily New media, CCTV network microblog, China Military Network, China Youth Network microblog and other media focused on reporting the holiday information of "Yuntaishan passenger flow peak armed police officers and soldiers stationed at the front line to protect safety"; China National Radio, Henan TV News Broadcast, City Channel One live, Henan People's Livelihood Channel, Henan Traffic Radio, Henan Music Radio, Private car 999, Jiaozuo TV and other media during the holiday live connection, pay attention to the scene of Yuntaishan. According to incomplete statistics, from October 1 to 5, the official Weibo and wechat messages of Yuntaishan were read more than 2 million, and the media released more than 3,600 related information about Yuntaishan, with a cumulative exposure of more than 10 million, and extensive social attention has made Yuntaishan strength circle fans, and the majority of tourists have left messages and praised Yuntaishan management and service "true"!

410,000 visitors in 7 days!


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