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2018 China Yuntaishan 99 International Mountaineering Challenge kicked off with
Date:2018-12-12 16:03:01 Click:

The 2018 China Yuntaishan 99 International Mountaineering Challenge was held recently, with more than 300 professional mountaineers and more than 1,800 mountaineering enthusiasts from home and abroad enjoying the scenic scenery and enjoying the fun of climbing.

This competition is divided into men and women, long distance 4 groups. Jia Ao Renjia, who recently made Chinese history and won the world cross country championship at the 2018 Tour de Blanc, won the second place in the men's long distance group, Zheng Wenrong from Yunnan Province won the women's long distance group, and Zhang Huiji from Chongqing won the short distance women's group.

2018 China Yuntaishan 99 International Mountaineering Challenge and the National Mass Mountaineering Fitness Conference, the eighth "Three Mountains at the same time" Mass Mountaineering fitness Conference in Henan Province was sponsored by the Chinese Mountaineering Association, Henan Provincial Sports Bureau, Henan Provincial Civilization Office, Henan Provincial Tourism Bureau and Jiaozuo Municipal People's Government.Organized by Henan Provincial Social Sports Management Center, Henan Provincial Mountaineering and Outdoor Sports Association, Jiaozuo Municipal Sports Bureau, Xiuwu County People's Government, Yuntaishan Global Geopark.

2018 China Yuntaishan 99 International Mountaineering Challenge kicked off with passion


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