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Yaowangdong Cave
Date:2024-04-07 09:29:57 Click:

       Yaowangdong Cave faces southeast, with a width of 11 m, a height of 10 m, and a depth of 30 me. According to legend, this cave was used for collecting herbs and refining pills by Sun Simiao, who was called the "King of Herbs" during the Sui and Tang dynasties. There used to be a temple outside the cave dedicated to commemorating Sun Simiao. There are stone figures and tablets in the cave. There is a stone mortar on the roof of the cave, which was the tool used by Sun to make pills, according to legend. At the south of the cave, a Taxus chinensis lives for about a thousand years, with luxuriant branches and leaves, remaining evergreen throughout the year. The height of the tree is 18 m. It belongs to the subtropical zone plant and can be considered a "living fossil." This tree was planted by Sun Simiao when he served as a doctor in Yuntaishan. 

Yaowang Cave


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