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Jinjialing Peak
Date:2024-04-07 09:30:20 Click:

  Jinjialing Peak is a natural protected area in the Taihangshan National Geopark, spanning nearly 100,000 mu, with red leaves blanketing the 3868 peak in the area. The red leaves at Jinjialing Peak exhibit a vibrant and beautiful color, ranging from bright red to a stunning dark red resembling a sunset, and even a purple hue. These leaves showcase the splendor of the south as well as the fiery red maple leaves typical of the north. There are over 2,500 years of history in Huang Yiwang, which is comprehensive and spans both northern and southern regions. The Jinjialing's red leaves are highly esteemed, attracting many visitors, including brides-to-be adorned in elaborate makeup, resembling beautiful and elegant ladies, as well as elderly individuals. If you are drunk, the dance postures of Xi Shi Ying and Fei Yan Dai are numerous and refreshing. Overview of the show of the mountain, the danger of the landscaping, the pine forest, listening to the pine waves, feeling the cool breeze. The spring flowers bloom here, the summer green is shaded, autumn is painted with mountains and red leaves, and winter brings snow. Each season offers its own unique scenery. It is a pleasant place for casual summer vacations and entertainment.


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