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Science Knowledge

Science Knowledge

What is an earthquake? An earthquake is a natural phenomenon in which the rapid release of energy from the earth's crust causes vibrations during which seismic waves are generated. Date:2021-02-04 More
Geological disaster risk classification According to the degree of hazard and scale, there are four levels of geological disaster danger and geological disaster disaster: very large, large, medium and small. Date:2021-02-04 More
Geological hazard classification Geological hazards: Natural variation and human action may lead to changes in the geological environment or geological body, and when such changes reach a certain level, the consequences will cause ha Date:2021-02-04 More
What is a geological hazard? Definition in natural science. Date:2021-02-04 More
The first joint exhibition of provincial land and resource science bases at the October 23rd. The first joint exhibition of provincial land and resource science base in the first joint exhibition Yuntaishan station burning exhibition Date:2021-02-04 More
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