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How many levels of geological heritage reserves are there in China?
Date:2021-02-04 01:00:46 Click:

For geological relics with international, domestic and regional typical significance, national, provincial and county-level geological relic protection zones, geological relic protection sections, geological relic protection points or geoparks can be established, hereinafter collectively referred to as geological relic protection zones.


The grading standards of China's geological heritage reserves are


(1) National level.


Geological relics that can provide important geological evidence for a major geological historical event or evolutionary stage in the process of evolution in a large region or even globally.


with international or domestic large regional stratigraphic (tectonic) comparative significance of typical sections, fossils and places of origin.


with international or domestic typical geological significance of the geological landscape or phenomenon.


(2) provincial level.


geological relics that can provide important geological evidence of the evolutionary stage of regional geological history.


typical sections, fossils and origins with regional stratigraphic (tectonic) comparative significance.


in the geological zoning and classification, representative or high historical, cultural and tourism value of geological landscape.


(3) County level.


typical sections, fossils and places of origin with scientific research value within the county.


geological landscapes or geological phenomena with characteristics in a small area.


The geological relics in the protected area can be implemented as -level protection, secondary protection and tertiary protection respectively.


First-level protection: the international or domestic geological relics with extremely rare and important scientific value are protected at the first level and cannot be entered without approval. With the approval of the administrative department of land and resources of the people's government that established the geological relics protection zone, visits, scientific research or international interactions can be organized.


Secondary protection: Geological relics with important scientific value within a large area are protected at the secondary level. With the approval of the administrative department of land and resources of the people's government that established the geological relics protection zone of this level, scientific research, teaching, academic exchanges and appropriate tourism activities can be organized.


Tertiary Protection: Geological relics with certain value are protected at the tertiary level. With the approval of the administrative department of land and resources of the people's government that establishes the geological relics protection zone of this level, tourism activities can be organized.


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