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Popularization Activities

In June 2017, the Museum of Yuntaishan Global Geopark launched a series of rock
Date:2021-02-04 01:15:02 Click:

The museum of Yuntaishan Global Geopark launched a series of rock and mineral science popularization activities

Recently, Yuntaishan Global Geopark Museum and Yuntaishan Town Center School jointly carried out a series of rock and mineral science popularization activities, in the form of museum science popularization into the campus, elementary school students classroom into the museum, for more than 60 primary school students - a unique science popularization classroom activities.


In the campus, the museum interpreters issued science reading materials to the students, and gave in-depth explanations on the types, causes and transformation of rocks, so that the students mastered a certain amount of rock right mineral science knowledge; in the museum, the students further stimulated their interest in geological knowledge by using the science knowledge they just learned to compare with the specimens around them, and established the awareness of protecting geological relics. They also learned about the geological features of their hometowns and developed a love for their hometowns while appreciating the wonders of nature. The museum will continue to cooperate with more schools, continue to carry out colorful and entertaining science education activities, continue to promote geological knowledge in schools, and continue to invite primary and secondary school students to experience and feel the charm of science in the museum.



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