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Protection Objectives
Date:2021-02-04 01:39:50 Click:

The goal of national ecological environmental protection is to curb ecological damage and reduce the harm of natural disasters through ecological environmental protection; to promote the rational and scientific use of natural resources and realize the virtuous cycle of natural ecosystems; to maintain national ecological and environmental security and ensure the sustainable development of national economy and society.

Immediate goals

By 2010, basically curb the trend of ecological environment damage. Build a number of ecological function reserves, and strive to protect and restore the ecosystems and ecological functions of important ecological function areas such as the source areas of Yangtze River, Yellow River and other large rivers, important lakes and wetlands in the Yangtze River and Songhua River basins and in the southwest and northwest regions, important oases in the northwest, key preventive reserves for soil and water conservation and key supervision areas; while effectively grasping the construction and management of existing nature reserves, and urgently The establishment and improvement of the supervision system of ecological environmental protection, the effective implementation of ecological environmental protection measures, the strict implementation of all kinds of development activities in key resource development zones in accordance with the plan, and the substantial increase in the recovery rate of ecological damage; strengthening the construction of ecological demonstration areas and ecological agricultural counties, some counties (cities, districts) nationwide have basically achieved the goal of beautiful mountains and rivers. The basic realization of beautiful mountains and rivers and a virtuous cycle of natural ecosystems.

Long-term goals

By 2030, the trend of ecological environment deterioration will be comprehensively curbed, the ecological environment of important ecological function areas, species-rich areas and key resource development zones will be effectively protected, the ecological environment of the headwaters of the first-class tributaries of major water systems and wetlands under national protection will be improved, some important ecosystems will be reconstructed and restored, 50% of counties (cities and districts) nationwide will realize beautiful mountains and rivers and a natural ecosystem The virtuous cycle, more than 30% of the cities meet the standards of ecological cities and garden cities. By 2050, we will strive to improve the ecological environment of the country as a whole, achieve clean urban and rural environments and a virtuous cycle of natural ecosystems, and achieve the ambitious goal of beautiful mountains and rivers in most areas of the country.






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