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Date:2021-02-04 01:40:22 Click:

The ecological balance in an ecosystem is a dynamic balance. Once it is disturbed by natural and man-made factors, exceeding the self-regulating capacity of the ecosystem and cannot be restored to its original stable state, the structure and function of the ecosystem is damaged, and the output and input of materials and energy cannot be balanced, resulting in the loss of system components (e.g., reduction of biodiversity, etc.), structural changes (e.g., sudden increase or decrease of animal populations, change of food chain, etc.), obstruction of energy flow, and interruption of material This is generally referred to as ecological disorders, and in serious cases, ecological disasters.

Greenhouse effect

The greenhouse effect is a phenomenon in which large amounts of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, and freon are emitted into the atmosphere, causing global temperatures to rise. The global annual emission of CO into the atmosphere is about 23 billion tons. This is a 20% increase from the beginning of the 20th century. So far it is still increasing at the rate of 0.5% per year, which will definitely lead to global temperature warming, ecosystem destruction and sea level rise. According to the relevant data and statistics, it is predicted that the global sea level will rise about 20cm by 2030 and 65cm by the end of this century, seriously threatening low-lying islands and coastal areas.

Ozone layer destruction

The ozone layer is a layer of air in the high altitude atmosphere with high ozone concentration, which prevents excessive solar ultraviolet radiation from reaching the earth's surface and effectively protects the normal growth of all life on the ground. The destruction of the ozone layer is mainly achieved by a chain reaction of atomic chlorine produced by the decomposition of the chemical Freon, which is used in large quantities in modern life, into the stratosphere under the action of ultraviolet light. Studies have shown that the ozone content in the lower stratosphere between 15 and 20 km above the Antarctic has been reduced by 40% to 50%, and at some altitudes, the loss of ozone may be as high as 95%. Ozone depletion has also occurred in the stratosphere over the Arctic. The destruction of the ozone layer will increase the intensity of UV beta wave radiation. According to statistical analysis of data, a 1% decrease in ozone concentration is associated with a 4% increase in skin cancer and a 0.6% increase in the occurrence of cataracts. By the beginning of the 21st century, the ozone layer over the central part of the Earth had been reduced by 5% to 10%, which increased the number of skin cancer patients by 26%.

Land degradation

Land degradation and desertification is the process of deterioration of land quality and gradual desertification due to the combined effect of human factors such as excessive grazing, farming, indiscriminate clearing and a series of natural factors. Fifteen percent of the global land area has been degraded to varying degrees by human activities. Water erosion accounts for 55.7% of land degradation, wind erosion accounts for 28%, chemical phenomena (salinization, liquefaction, pollution) accounts for 12.1%, and physical phenomena (water logging, subsidence) accounts for 4.2%. The average annual rate of soil erosion is about 0.5 to 2 tons per hectare. Globally, 1.5 million square hectares of irrigated land are lost annually. 70% of agricultural arid and semi-arid land has been desertified, most severely in North America, Africa, South America and Asia. In the past 20 years, the number of refugees from hunger in the world has increased from 460 million to 550 million due to land degradation and desertification.

Waste Matter

Waste material pollution and transfer refers to the emission of waste gas, waste liquid, solid waste, etc. from industrial production and residential life to nature or to other countries, which seriously pollute the air, rivers, lakes, oceans and land environment as well as endanger human health. There are about 70,000 to 80,000 kinds of chemical products in the market, among which there are about 35,000 kinds that are harmful to human health and the ecosystem, and more than 500 kinds that are carcinogenic, teratogenic and catastrophic. According to research has confirmed that a battery can pollute 60 liters of water, can make ten square meters of land loss of use, its pollution can last as long as 20 years. Plastic bags in their natural state can exist for as long as 450 years. Contemporary "death in the air" - acid rain, its impact on the forest soil, lakes and various buildings and erosion has been recognized. The transfer of hazardous waste often turns into a political event in international relations.

The illegal dumping of hazardous wastes from developed countries to the sea and developing countries has caused great harm to developing countries, directly leading to environmental pollution and health effects on the residents of the receiving places. According to statistics, China's urban waste stockpiles have reached more than 6 billion tons over the years, encroaching on 500 million square meters of land and producing 440 kg of urban waste per capita per year.

Decreasing forest area

Forests are known as the "lungs of the earth" and "nature's general control room", and have a major regulatory function on the environment. Due to extensive imports from developed countries and clearing, logging and grazing in developing countries, the forest area has decreased significantly. Greenpeace estimates that 80% of the world's original forests have been destroyed over the past 100 years. According to the latest report of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the forest cover of the earth is only 26.6% if the total land area is used. The reduction of forests has led to soil erosion, frequent floods, global warming and the disappearance of species. Humans, who are always demanding from the earth, have pushed the living earth to a very dangerous situation.

Decline of biodiversity

The decline of biodiversity refers to the phenomenon that all biological species, including plants, animals and microorganisms, are disappearing due to the loss of ecological environment, over-exploitation of resources, environmental pollution and the introduction of foreign species. It is estimated that there are about 30 million species on Earth. Since 1600, 724 species have become extinct, endangered species, and 7240 species are rare. Most experts believe that 1/4 of the earth's organisms may be in danger of extinction in the next 20 to 30 years, and 5% to 15% of the world's species may become extinct in the period 1990 to 2020, which means that 40 to 140 species disappear every day. The existence of biodiversity has an irreplaceable role in the evolution and protection of the life support system of the biosphere.

Depletion of water resources

Water is the source of life and water, it seems, is omnipresent. Yet the shortage of drinking water threatens the survival of mankind. The world's annual water consumption has reached 7 trillion cubic meters, coupled with the discharge of industrial wastewater, the abuse of chemical fertilizers, the arbitrary dumping of garbage, the dramatic increase in domestic sewage, so that rivers have become gutters, lakes into sewage; indiscriminate logging caused by the evaporation and loss of a large amount of water, drinking water in a sharp decline. The water shortage has sounded the alarm to human beings. According to the Global Environment Monitoring System water quality monitoring project shows that about 10% of the world's monitoring rivers are polluted, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) value of more than 6.5 mg / l, nitrogen and phosphorus pollution in the water, the average value of phosphorus content of polluted rivers for the average value of unpolluted rivers 2.5 times. According to the United Nations statistics, more than 100 countries and regions around the world have a water emergency, of which 43 countries for serious water shortages, endangering the survival of 2 billion people, mainly in Africa and the Middle East. Many scientists predict that water will become the most scarce resource for human beings in the 21st century. As people hope, do not let human tears become the last drop of water on earth.


Nuclear Pollution

Nuclear contamination refers to the release of TSE pollution caused by nuclear leakage or even nuclear explosion due to various reasons. The scope of harm is large, the damage to surrounding organisms is extremely serious, the duration is long, and the aftermath is dangerous and complex. For example, in April 1986, the former Soviet Union Chernobyl nuclear power plant nuclear leakage accident, 130,000 people were evacuated, economic losses amounted to $ 15 billion.

Marine pollution

The ocean is known as "the front line of national defense, the channel of trade, the treasure house of resources, the home of clouds and rain, the cradle of life". However, she is suffering from serious pollution. Marine pollution mainly includes crude oil pollution, floating matter pollution and organic compound pollution, as well as the red tide and black tide caused by them. Marine pollution directly leads to the deterioration of the marine environment and the reduction of biological species.

Noise pollution

Industrial machinery, construction machinery, automobiles, airplanes and other means of transportation produce high-intensity noise, causing great damage to the human living environment, seriously affecting the health of human beings.

Population explosion

Population explosion has overwhelmed the earth; environmental pollution has scarred it; ecological imbalance has made it lose its former glory; species extinction has endangered the entire biosphere. In the face of endless pollution, rivers are weeping, springs are moaning, and the sea is screaming in anger. Forests are disappearing, streams are dying, grasslands are degrading, and sand and dust are rising. Our earth is overloaded; our home is going into decay, the alarm bell of human beings, is their own to ring her, save nature, save the ecology, save the environment, save the earth has been urgent. Otherwise, the end of mankind will be a cup of poisonous wine brewed by ourselves.


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