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The Chinese-Taiwanese Tai Chi Culture Study Camp ventures into Yuntaishan depict
Date:2023-08-05 10:26:21 Click:

Exploring the wonders of the canyon, promoting Tai Chi culture, the Chinese-Taiwanese Tai Chi Culture Study Camp visits Yuntaishan, admiring the azure waters of the cliffs, understanding the charm of Tai Chi, exploring the spirit of the Wei and Jin dynasties, immersing themselves in the Yuntaishan depicted in Wang Wei's poetry.

The Chinese-Taiwanese Tai Chi Culture Study Camp ventures into Yuntaishan depict

On the morning of August 4th, the students and teachers of the Tai Chi Culture Camp arrived at Yuntaishan and ventured into the "First Wonder of Huaxia" - the Hongshi Gorge, a canyon spectacle formed over millions of years, characterized by magnificent streams and waterfalls, and rich cultural connotations. Everyone was eager to take photos and capture the moment, exclaiming, "Truly worthy of being the beautiful waters of Taihang, feeling the breathtaking geological wonders of millions of years deep in the valley!" Accompanied by the murmuring streams and misty water vapor, they slowly performed movements such as "raising the stance, lifting the arms, bending the knees, cloud hands, and stomping the feet" under the Shoulong Waterfall... Flowing like clouds and water, harmonizing strength and softness, with magnificent momentum, they merged Tai Chi with the landscape, immersing themselves in the profound integration of Yuntaishan 's beautiful mountains and waters with Tai Chi culture!


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