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The "Generation Z" overseas students group entered Yuntaishan in Wang
Date:2023-07-10 10:31:33 Click:

In the bright midsummer of July, amidst the refreshing sanctuary of Yuntaishan, the warmth of Jiaozuo and the hospitality of Huai River, overseas student groups step into Yuntaishan. The students and teachers of the "Welcome In" campaign for the international promotion of Chinese kung fu (Tai Chi) immerse themselves in an immersive journey through the Yuntaishan depicted in Wang Wei's poetry, admiring the cascading waterfalls and flowing springs, enjoying the coolness of summer, and understanding the charm of Tai Chi.

The Generation Z overseas students group entered Yuntaishan in Wang

On the morning of July 10, the teachers and students of the training camp came to Yuntaishan and walked into the "first strange gorge in China" - Hongshi Gorge. The unique Yuntai landform, cool streams and waterfalls, and profound cultural connotation attracted everyone to take photos and admire: "Yuntaishan in Wang Wei's poem!" Along with the murmuring water and the chirping of birds and insects, they slowly rose, lifted their arms, bent their knees, raised their hands and shook their feet...... Moving clouds and flowing water, strong and soft, will be tai Chi and landscape, while enjoying the beautiful scenery, while feeling the Tao of tai Chi.


Previous:The Chinese-Taiwanese Tai Chi Culture Study Camp ventures into Yuntaishan depict

Next:Study groups, special train groups, and corporate groups are flocking in! Yuntai

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