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Strength witness! Yuntaishan wins two more national awards!
Date:2023-06-11 10:35:46 Click:

Strength witness! Another award! Recently, hosted by the China Internet News Center (China.net). The third "New Era · China Beautiful City, Beautiful Countryside Tour". At the announcement ceremony Yuntaishan won two honorary titles, "2023 National leisure tourism holiday destination", "2023 Beautiful China's top tourist destination".

Strength witness! Yuntaishan wins two more national awards!

As the shining pearl of the 800-mile Taihangshan, Yuntaishan is a geological wonder spanning fourteen billion years. It represents the essence of the Taihangshan with its magnificent mountains and beautiful waters, embodying the spirit of the Wei and Jin dynasties and serving as the retreat for the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove. It is a mountain of poetry, depicted in the verses of Wang Wei. Every year, more than 6 million tourists choose to visit Yuntaishan for sightseeing, tourism, vacation, and leisure.

Strength witness! Yuntaishan wins two more national awards!

The spring water gurgles, waterfalls cascade, streams babble, stepping into the coolness, go touch, go feel, and have an intimate encounter with nature. Trek upstream along the stream, the canyon is deep, the cliffs are towering. Come to Yuntaishan and experience the refreshing and invigorating coolness that touches the heart and soul.

Strength witness! Yuntaishan wins two more national awards!

In the morning, surrounded by mountain mist, accompanied by the night breeze in dreams. Seeking a courtyard, brewing a pot of clear tea. Holding a volume of books, gently placing the time. Come to Yuntaishan and embrace the leisurely and contented slow life! Come to Yuntaishan encounter pleasant slow life!


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