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CCTV focuses on Yuntaishan six times a day!
Date:2023-10-01 10:23:07 Click:

Yuntaishan 's popularity soars! The National Day holiday sees an explosion of visitors! Attracting attention nationwide! Yuntaishan appears on CCTV six times a day!

CCTV focuses on Yuntaishan six times a day!

Holiday topic tops the national hot list! Heat over a billion times!

Central Video, People's Daily Online, Central Radio Network, Beijing News, Global Times, Cultural Travel China, China Tourism News, Henan Daily and other media continued to report.

CCTV focuses on Yuntaishan six times a day!

Tens of thousands of tourists gather for the National Day celebrations, with colorful activities captivating the audience. Various parties, including the armed police, public security, fire brigade, medical staff, volunteers, and rescue teams, collaborate and integrate seamlessly, dedicating themselves wholeheartedly. In this city of warmth and mountains of hospitality, Yuntaishan warmly welcomes visitors from all directions.


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