Welcome to the official website of Yuntaishan UNESCO Global Geopark!

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Geopark Activities

Tens of thousands of people embark on the journey together! The grand opening of
Date:2023-03-11 21:50:14 Click:

As the hundred flowers bloom and spring tides surge, the Flower Festival arrives as scheduled.

The Seven Sages, floral deities, lead the grand procession; traditional culture is innovatively interpreted.

A heavyweight presentation of national-style artistic space.

Immerse yourself in the Yuntaishan depicted in Wang Wei's poetry,

Embark on a scenic journey through spring! At 10 a.m. on March 11, 2023,

The grand opening of the 5th Mount Yuntaishan Flower Festival takes place.

Tens of thousands of people embark on the journey together! The grand opening of

At the event venue, with robes fluttering, the graceful Flower Deity dances like a startled swan, as people beat drums and sing songs to welcome guests from all directions. Leading the procession is the spirited Women's Flower Deity, while the grand display of armored martial arts sets the magnificent tone for the opening ceremony. Traditional culture enthusiasts such as @JinChao, @LuTuBai, @ZhuangHan, @QiXiaXia, @CanShang, vividly portray characters like the "Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove" and the "Twelve Flower Deities," immersing themselves in the landscape, playing the zither, and singing songs, wandering through the three-dimensional picture scroll of national-style poetry and painting. Hundreds of fellow enthusiasts dressed in costumes from the Han, Tang, Song, and Ming dynasties join thousands of on-site visitors to tour the flowers, engage in interactive activities, where the beautiful women in Hanfu attire blend harmoniously with the spring mountain flower seascape, seemingly walking slowly out of the scrolls, spanning thousands of years, presenting a dynamic picture scroll of the Flower Festival celebration!

Tens of thousands of people embark on the journey together! The grand opening of


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