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"Send out the beautiful Qingtianhe" and "2016 Jiaozuo Red Leaf Fe
Date:2016-09-06 10:55:19 Click:

Send out the beautiful Qingtianhe and 2016 Jiaozuo Red Leaf Festival press conference was held in Zhengzhou

On the morning of September 26, the press conference "Send out the beautiful Qingtianhe" and "2016 Jiaozuo Red Leaf Festival" was held in Zhengzhou. Mr. Pan Jinjun, deputy inspector of Henan Provincial Tourism Bureau; Mr. Wan Songbo, Director of Henan Correspondence Bureau, China Post Group Corporation; Mr. Feng Tao, General Manager of Jiaozuo Branch of China Post Group Corporation; Mr. Li Jianyang, Deputy Director of Jiaozuo Tourism Bureau; The deputy governor of Boai County is Mr. Mingyou; Mr. Qi Gaojie, deputy director of Boai Qingtianhe Scenic Area Administration, and other leaders attended the conference. Well-known tourism enterprises, travel agents and news media from Henan Province and abroad gathered together to feel the unique charm brought by the ecological beauty of red leaves.

At the meeting, Qingtianhe promoters will promote the Red Leaf Festival tourism promotion activities. Mr. Qi Gaojie, Deputy Director of Qingtianhe Administration Bureau, announced the 2016 Jiaozuo Red Leaf Festival theme activities and preferential policies.

Theme Activities:

1. "Send out the Beautiful Qingtianhe" postcard issue and 2016 Jiaozuo Red Leaf Festival press conference;

2. The opening ceremony of the 2016 Jiaozuo Red Leaf Festival and the launch ceremony of the second "Impression Gold Fraternity Charm Qingtianhe" national mobile phone photography Contest;

3. China Red Leaf Alliance 2016 Qingtianhe Summit;

4. 2016 Caritas "Global Tourism +" Summit Forum

Preferential policies:

1. During the Red Leaf Festival (October 8 to November 30), China Red Leaf Alliance ticket linkage, with any scenic ticket (Jiaozuo Qingtianhe, Beijing Xiangshan, Hunan Yuelushan, Nanjing Qixiashan, Suzhou Tianpingshan) can enjoy the preferential policy of other scenic tickets free.

2. On the opening day of the Red Leaf Festival and the day of the Double Ninth Festival (October 9), tourists can enjoy the preferential policy of free tickets to the Qingtianhe.

3. During the Red Leaf Festival (October 8 to November 30), launched the "Love in the Qingtianhe Red leaf crown China" activity, where in October 1 to October 31 registered marriage couples, with a marriage certificate to Qingtianhe can enjoy free tickets preferential policies.

4. During the Red Leaf Festival (October 8 to November 30), overseas Chinese with valid documents can enjoy the preferential policy of free tickets.

5. During the Red Leaf Festival (October 8 to November 30), silver married couples (25th anniversary of marriage) can enjoy the preferential policy of free tickets with their marriage certificate; Golden marriage couples (50th anniversary of marriage) can enjoy the preferential policy of door and ferry tickets free with their marriage certificate, and accompanying family members can enjoy the preferential policy of free tickets for 2 people; Diamond wedding couples (60th anniversary of marriage) can enjoy the preferential policy of door and ferry ticket exemption with their marriage certificate, and accompanying family members can enjoy the preferential policy of door and ferry ticket exemption for 2 people.

6. From September 25 to December 25, with the postcard "Send the beautiful Qingtianhe", you can enjoy the preferential policy of free tickets for 1-3 people according to the ticket description.

7.100,000 Qingtianhe red leaves postcards will also be sent to all parts of the country through the postal system, and can be scraped Qingtianhe tickets, free viewing Qingtianhe red leaves.

The 2016 Jiaozuo Red Leaf Festival will closely focus on the development goals of the municipal Party Committee and the municipal government to build rich, beautiful, safe and innovative Jiaozuo, take the construction of beautiful Jiaozuo and become the "first phalanx" of national tourism development as its responsibility, and follow the "144" tourism promotion project proposed by the Boai County Party Committee and the county government and the work objectives of creating a national tourism demonstration county. Continue to build the four brands of Boai County tourism, namely: Red leaf love, Zen life, cultural leisure and eat in Boai. With the Red Leaf Festival as the carrier, fully excavate the brand connotation of "universal love", strengthen the integration of emotional elements such as love, affection and nostalgia, and create the core products of Jiaozuo autumn tourism, namely Red leaf love series products, sports and leisure series products and Internet + series products. Thus, the formation of Beijing red leaves to see Xiangshan, Central Plains red leaves Qingtianhe red pattern, the real Jiaozuo Red leaves Festival to do the characteristics, do the impact, to create the first brand of Central Plains red appreciation, the national autumn tourism brand.


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