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Qingtianhe held a mobilization meeting to learn from Han Bin and promote tourism
Date:2016-08-06 10:54:45 Click:

Qingtianhe held a mobilization meeting to learn from Han Bin and promote tourism

On the evening of August 6, Qingtianhe held a mobilization meeting to learn from Han Bin and promote tourism in the conference room. Shi Mingyou, the deputy county governor and Administration Office secretary of Qingtianhe, and administration leadership and all staff attended the meeting. At the meeting, the county governor elaborated on the importance of learning from Han Bin in three aspects: what to learn, how to learn, and how to achieve the results.

     The county governor pointed out that in the process of the study, all staff should have notes, thinking, and improvements. The person in charge of each unit should take the lead in learning, play an example and a leading role in learning, guide the staff to take Mr. Han Bin as an example, and strive to be first-class. The majority of cadres and staff should effectively transform learning into internal motivation and practical action, with pragmatism, responsibility, loyalty, serve tourists well, implement all work well, and promote the work to a new level.

     In addition, the county governor also put forward expectations for everyone in terms of taking the initiative to do things without waiting, focusing on efficiency to produce results, and learning advanced to promote promotion. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Wang Nainian, executive deputy director of the Qingtianhe Executive Administration Office. At the meeting, Qingtianhe tour guide representative made a statement on how to learn from Han Bin.


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