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2016 Yuntaishan "100-meter flat belt reverse speed" Guinness World Rec
Date:2016-11-06 10:56:49 Click:

On November 6, the Harvest Craftsman Cup ·2016 Yuntaishan "100-meter flat belt reverse speed" Guinness World Records Challenge was staged in Yuntaishan Hongshixia. Theo Jim Daniel Sanson from France successfully challenged the limit to set a record, in front of many media and tourists to witness, for everyone to bring a step-by-step adventure and the challenge of balancing the limit, and his name will be remembered by the world together with Yuntaishan.

2016 Yuntaishan 100-meter flat belt reverse speed Guinness World Record challenge a complete success!

2016 Yuntaishan 100-meter flat belt reverse speed Guinness World Record challenge a complete success!


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