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Yuntaishan UGGp carries out geological science popularization activities in univ
Date:2016-11-08 10:57:33 Click:

On the afternoon of November 8, warm applause rang out from time to time in the academic lecture hall of Henan Polytechnic University. Hundreds of students gathered together and shared the geological and human world with a spirited expert on the podium.

The academic report titled "Exploring the Geopark around you, Exploring the Geological and Human World - Traveling 10,000 miles to Read 10,000 Books" is jointly organized by Yuntaishan UGGp and Henan Polytechnic University, inviting Zhang Zhonghui, a famous expert in Geopark construction and a professor-level senior engineer, to carry out geological science popularization activities with college students as the main audience. In this activity, Professor Zhang Zhonghui used vivid language to explain to the students what is a geoparks, what geoparks contain, how to care for geoparks, how to build and manage our homes and the status quo of geoparks in China. Taking Yuntaishan UGGp as an example, the basic situation, geological geomorphological features, geological relics, and geological landscape of Yuntaishan UGGp are introduced in detail to college students. The whole process of the report is interesting and fascinating. It not only popularized the knowledge of geology to the college students, but more importantly, planted the seeds of protecting geological relics in their hearts, and enhanced their awareness of protecting the geological environment in their future work and life.

Yuntaishan UGGp will take this science popularization activity as an opportunity to continuously expand the ways and methods of geological science popularization and further promote the science popularization work of the geopark.

Yuntaishan UGGp carries out geological science popularization activities in universities


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